Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Summer Time And The Living Is Easy LOL

Not at all, what! says you! Sure 'tis snowing to beat the band outside. What a terrible cold day, lol! Myself and Eileen were in all day, didn't get a thing done. Had a great laugh over all the money being found in those IRA members houses - sure didn't we know it was them all along. Bad bastards. And Gerry Adams sure isn't he the king of them all. He's the Skeletor and I'm the He-Man! And ye all wonder why I make such a fuss over those brats. They'd rob the eye out of your head, so they would, then sell it back to you laced with heroin.

Tonight is going to be SOOO cool. All the lads are coming round because I got a set of Buffy dvds and we're going to watch them all and eat loads of junk food. That Buffy can slay me anytime lol! Only joking sure she'd cut the head off me lol! And so would Eileen if she knew how much I fancy that young Buffy lol!

Anyway have to go now and make the microwave popcorn it won't make itself lol!


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